
Safeguard Compliance Failure In ADB Bank & World Bank Funded Tata Power Project At Mundra, India - A Violation Towards Ocean Submerged Ancient Cultural Heritage Town Of Bhagwan Krishna.

  Image One: The Sentinal -2 Satellite, took the photograph of the Gulf of Kutch scenario.  The Ancient Ocean submerged Dwarka Town of Bhagwan Krishna is shown here  in 3 yellow broken line circles. These three sites remain submerged under Ocean water. Just top of it in red circle broken line is the Tata Power Project, funded by the ADB Bank & the World Bank. The project,   facility station of water discharge and pumping station are both here. The red arrow  mark in the Ocean is showing the patch of "Dead Phytoplankton" and the green arrow is showing the volume of the  "Healthy Phytoplankton". The "Dead Phytoplankton" originates from the Tata Power  and moves down to the  ancient Submerged Dwarka City of Bhagwan Krishna. The first yellow circle edge line is almost covered by the "Dead Phytoplankton." There is also second cluster group of  "Dead Phytoplankton" at the extreme right side. This is coming from other source, which needs f

"Land For Land Compensation" of The Magar's Community At Nepal And Social Safeguard Law Violation by the ADB Bank.

The snow capped Himalayan Mountain at Damauli ( Nepal ) is the birth place of Veda-Vyas, who wrote the Mahabharat some 5200 years before. Exactly at this birth place of Veda Vyas, the "Magar's Community"  is settled, which is identified as the ancient Indigenous Peoples of Nepal, rooted to Veda Vyas. This community is in danger and receiving high threat of illegal evacuation.     * Birendra K Jha  ( Practitioner Social Safeguard Law & Audit - Social Impact Assessment Auditor - Member Institute of Social Auditors of India- Contact email: )       *          Indians  know little about this village. The village is Paltyang, situated at the foothill of the snow capped Himalayan Mountain at Nepal. The village, what I am talking about is very ancient heritage site near Damauli, situated  in the Gandaki Province of the beautiful Himalayan Nepal. Being Indian, I had been often reading the  Sanskrit based "Skanda Puran" - "Himvat Khand&qu

ADB Bank Safeguard Policy Violation At The Brahmaputra Valley - The Lost Voice of The Pelican Birds

The Pelican Birds out of fear and loss of their offspring have migrated from the area where large scale careless cutting of trees have been identified in the satellite images. This was done for the ADB Project at the Brahmaputra Valley to construct largely the "Flood Embankment Project". This completely damaged the "Rural Toursim" and the necessary ecosystem ( see Social Audit Check point no: 6 ).                                                      * BIRENDRA K JHA  Social Safeguard Policy 2009 of the ADB Bank ( Asian Development Bank ) if not followed honestly in the development projects, then it is a serious concern. There is provision of external auditor to audit the Social Safeguard Policy. But, honestly this provision is implemented, this is difficult to say.  If executing agency is conducting the  Third Party Social Safeguard Social Audit, and the concurrence and consent of the ADB bank is not taken then it is more serious matter.   Large scale Social  Protec

Asian Development Bank Financed Road Project Maharashtra - Social Safeguard Status In Satellite Test Audit.

The Standard on Audit (SA) 530 Audit Sampling  given by ICAI is an important guideline to select and torture the sample audit data, which provides the auditor with a reasonable basis on which to draw conclusions about the entire audit population.  There are generally, no statutory requirements specifying what work is to be selected from the population. This is intelligence of mind. The Social Audit conducted over the The Asian Development Bank financed project of the Maharashtra Rural Connectivity Improvement Project, the situation has been monitored and audited through satellite. This is demonstrated here how satellite data assisted the  Social Auditor in real time auditing of the vast data.  In Test Sample One: The road construction is not complete. The finishing part is not complete. A look at the road level indicator left side if compared with the right side, this speaks volumes of irregular data. This is "social issues" touching the arena of corruption or irregularities

Asian Development Bank Financed Road Project ( Imphal, India ) - Violation of ADB Safeguard Policy (2009)- A Satellite Based Social Audit Evaluation.

The ADB and the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India both are determined to protect Environment and Social issues for the survival of the human mankind on this planet. But, this is challenge if ADB is not monitoring correctly its projects in India and outside India. The evaluation   photographs number 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 11 have been appended here to examine the problem of the situation. There is some where negligence of ADB in monitoring the project. This also demonstrates the  poor quality of Social & Environmental Safeguard in ADB. This quality is required to be improved in the  ADB.  We hope that the ADB shall reciprocate in positive way and improve the weak area. The ADB can conduct a Third Party Social Audit to evaluate the  damages encountered in Environment and Social side.                                                               * BIRENDRA K JHA   ( Birendra K Jha,  is a Pan India Practitioner on the "Social Impact Assessment Audit"; "ESG Audit" &